On Monday, January 11, Jackie attended the dedication ceremony for a new wax likeness of himself at Madame Tussauds Hollywood in Los Angeles. At the ceremony, Jackie said that he hoped he…
Tag: Articles
Avatar – worldwide sensation hitting $1.022B worldwide and climbing
According to estimates from Hollywood.com Box Office, James Cameron’s sci-fi opus grossed $68.3 million over New Years weekend, a tiny 10 percent drop from Christmas weekend for a $352.1 million domestic total….
Top 10 blockbuster films of 2009
Looking back over the year, that 2009 was a great year for small films that said big things, while Hollywood enjoyed huge commercial success but appeared to have nothing to say. The…
Interesting Banana Facts and Uses
Banana containing three natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber, a banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide…
Stanford scientists store energy in paper
Stanford scientists are harnessing nanotechnology to quickly produce ultra-lightweight, bendable batteries and supercapacitors in the form of everyday paper. Simply coating a sheet of paper with ink made of single-walled carbon nanotube…
Birds and Climate Change: Ecological Disruption in Progress
The 110th Christmas Bird Count is now in progress. From December 14 through January 5 tens of thousands of volunteers throughout the Americas take part in an adventure that has become a…
Christmas Celebration – Get detail about Christmas eve party & Christmas party menus in India
Today, Christmas festival is celebrated on a grand-scale in India as well as in all over the world. Christians and even the non-Christian community take part with great enthusiasm in the different…
Four General Facts You Should Know About Phobias
Have you been facing the challenge of some events that you should not fear about? Are your fears gearing to some other aspects of your life? Are you affected socially, mentally and…
Six Facts about Fear and Panic Attacks
Have you been afraid of something even if others say there is no basis for that fear? What do you usually do when you are frightened of something? Do you become troubled,…
Seven Major Facts about Stress
Stress is already a part of daily living. You may never know it but you are already affected by this issue. You shout at your kids or nag your partner about something….