We have all heard about Corida and “Running of the bulls” in Spain. In Denia, a part of Spain, they have a special bull celebration near the dock where they escape from…
Category: Funny
How tourists in Croatia wash their cars
A parking lot of the hotel “Old Palace” on the island Ugljan in Croatia was a place of an unusual accident which happened when a car has accidentally finished in freshly cleaned…
The Parallel Port not Dead!
It’s unknown if this parallel DB25 to serial Mini DIN-8 to USB converting ghetto chain works, but a people says it does. It can be doctored, but the world would be better…
Top 20 Strangest Sex Laws from Around the World (Infographic)
There are certain laws pertaining to sex that make absolute sense, such as making intercourse with minors and nonconsensual sex illegal. That said, not all laws related to sex make sense and…
Apple’s New Move revealed
Apple iPad, the device which looks like a larger version of Appleās iPod Touch is available from April 2010. A lot of people be disappointed after iPad introduced and created many funny…
Men vs Women: Approaching a Purchase Decision (Infographic)
Women: Have you ever analyzed what made you decide to buy that pair of over-priced pumps? Men: What led to the decision to buy that must-have gadget promising hours of technophilic bliss?…
40 Funny Photos of Wet Cat
Why do cats hate water? Many domestic cats don’t seem to enjoy water sports. Of course, they may not experience the extreme heat of the African plains, so they have no great…
The Happiest Duck in the World – Video
Have you ever tried to feed the ducks? See what you missed if you’ve never tried. This Duck dance after getting a piece of bread… Watch the video below entry!
Funny dancing dog – video
All you need is love or all you need is dance? This dog just need his song and he started his dance. This dog really feels the beat. Check out the video…
Volvo auto-brake test epic fail – video
Safety is expected when you’re Volvo, and when something goes wrong it’s particularly embarrassing. Such was the case this week when media were invited to a demonstration of one of Volvo’s latest…