Every object for photography actually has something else than only the surface, and you can discover that by doing X-ray photography. Here is a selection of some amazing photos that photographer Nick Veasey has captured. He thinks that we are too busy thinking about the surface, and that many times we are superficial because we don’t care of what’s inside. He wants to change that and show how things can have inner beauty, hence the X-ray photos. X-ray is pretty cool but you should know that it’s can be dangerous to work with because of the rays. Luckily Nick makes sure that he works in a safe environment where he is protected. His work station looks like a black box made of concrete. Inside he has X-ray machines and a film processor. The subjects that he would like to capture are placed on a lead wall or on the floor. Then the film is placed under or behind the subject so the X-rays can go through it. There are several rules of how many x-rays each subject needs because they have different thickness. It is an unusual form of photography, but remember to be careful and you’ll eventually succeed in capturing the inner beauty of whatever object you would like. If you can’t get under the surface of an object that you would like to capture, try to get as close as possible, like in these incredible close-ups of insects.