Artist Mike Libby is known for his amazing steampunk insects, and if you can’t stand those little bugs, well you should beware because there is going to be a lot of talk about them. Getting inspiration happened in an odd way when Mike saw a dead beetle. He started thinking how the bug is working like a mechanical object, and then he got the idea to use his old wristwatch and turn it into a steampunk beetle. He is now making dragonflies, butterflies, scorpions as well as the beetles and other insects. If you take a closer look at the bugs, you will notice that not all of it is antique metallic parts, some of it is also real pieces of the bug, like a Terminator bug – half machine, half insect. Mike Libby says that this project is a symbol that is showing the difference between nature and technology. Using nature as an inspiration for art was used by another artist that has made white porcelain sculptures of animals, plants and other nature objects.

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