Gran Vicky Freeman, 54, hung the scary skull in her garden ready for trick or treat kids to wear on October 31 — but the cheeky rodent beat them to it. Grey…
Author: admin
Credit Card Usage in USA 2012 (Infographic)
The average age at which a U.S. consumer first adopted a credit card is 20.8 years. 84% of the student population overall have credit cards. Average Credit Card Consumer holds 4.4 Credit…
Meanwhile in Croatia
When you see this crazy photo, it’s time to say: A picture is worth a thousand words!
How to Make a Flaming Pumpkin – Halloween Jack o Lantern
How to Make a Flaming Pumpkin, Jack O Lantern. Great for Halloween parties etc. Design and carve the pumpkin out, then put a toilet roll inside and saturate with Kerosene stove fuel….
Donna Vekic – The Future of Women’s Tennis
The world of sport is filled with great athletes. Many people who watch professional sports choose specific athletes to root for based on certain attributes. Whether the athlete helps their team to…
The Importance of IBM Certification Exams
Earning your IBM professional certification is largely an individual achievement. Whether you are an employee of an IBM Business Partner, a current customer or consultant, or an internal IBM employee, having an…
Travel Industry Trends and Statistics [Infographic]
Despite the tough global economy, travel seems to be one of the industries still growing. Did you know almost 80 million foreigners visit France each year? That definitely dwarfs the 8000 visitors…
Red Bull Stratos – freefall from the edge of space – Live
Red Bull Stratos is a mission to the edge of space that will try to surpass human limits that have existed for more than 50 years. Supported by a team of experts,…
Dog and Pillowwwwsss – Funny Video
Every time they go from house owners find messed up pillows, so they were curious… Check out this funny video and find what happend with they pillows:
Wasp under the microscope
Reddit user didn’t have better things to do in his lab today, so he decided to take some photos of a dead wasp with their 20$ usb mini “microscope”. He checked the…