It all started peacefully, and then the squirrels began to fight for food.
Author: admin
A 11 Ways To Pay For Home Healthcare [Infographic]
Many seniors are uncertain about their options when it comes to remaining in the family home long term or downsizing. Depending on their situation, their health, if they have family around to…
Holiday Spending – Christmas Economy [Infographic]
Every year the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas are the most busiest times for everyone, from the shoppers to the retail stores, nationwide. The Online Trading Academy has created an infographic about…
The incredibly loyal dog
It happened this summer in Eastern Russia. Druzhok – his name means “Little Friend” – was rescued once but swam back to do his duty on the doorstep of the waterlogged house….
5 Myths About VA Loans [Infographic]
It’s true that the real estate lending process has a few more steps to it than a few years ago, VA Loans continue to be a great way for individuals to borrow…
Casting a Fire Ant Colony with Molten Aluminum
These are the red imported fire ants which are harmful to the environment and their nests are exterminated by the millions in the United States using poisons, gasoline and fire, boiling water,…
Cat attacks woman in the snow – Video
The attack happened in Melvin, Michigan. The woman attacked tells us she ended up in the hospital after the cat sank it’s front and back teeth into her forehead. The cat also…
Crowdfunding Success Statistics [Infographic]
GoGetFunding hosted thousands of great projects and have helped people from all over the world raise millions online. And to help you raise the most money possible with your own campaign, they…
Al Pacino of matches
Tomislav Horvat (24) from Podturna, Croatia has spent more than 19 months gluing over 117,000 matches to form Al Pacino sculptures. He worked every day for 8 to 10 hours on the…
Smart dog cools himself with water – Video
Video taken this summer in Slovakia. Smart dog Ira cools himself with water.